WhatsApp, the biggest and largest chat/calling service is testing several additional features for its iOS and Android users. We know QR contact codes and multiple devices access are already being tested by the Facebook-owned company, the recent list of features includes the most wanted encrypted cloud backups, search by date, storage usage, and lots more.
Let’s look at the list of new additional features
Storage Usage
Tested, for the android App, WhatsApp will allow us to separate forwarded files using filters. In future, users will be able to see only forwarded files in the app. All large files will be stored in a separate section.
Search by Date
WhatsApp will allow users to search for specific messages by date. The app will provide date filter to search for a specific message. This search feature is in the alpha stage of development, reports WABetaInfo.
Clear all except starred
Don’t want to lose important messages, this feature will be a life savior for many. It will allow you to delete a chat but still keep starred messages.
Share Chat
One wonders, what did WhatsApp not introduce this feature in the first place? This will allow users to watch videos by ShareChat within the platform environment just like YouTube videos.
Images Search on the web
This feature will let users search for an image on the web, the criteria are – you will be able to select the only that has been frequently forwarded more than four times.
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